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Data Library Updates

The latest changes and enhancements to the mySidewalk data library. We strive to provide accurate, granular, and current data.

Sarah Byrd avatar
Written by Sarah Byrd
Updated over a week ago

Updates Week of February 10, 2025

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N‑SUMHSS) & Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

  • Update Details: The 2023 data provides a comprehensive overview of substance use treatment facilities, detailing various categories including overall facilities, those serving veterans, and those accepting Medicaid. It further distinguishes opioid treatment programs—both certified and those involving buprenorphine practitioners—and highlights facilities offering any medications, particularly for opioid use disorder, such as buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. Additionally, the data categorizes facilities by the type of care provided, including both residential and transitional treatment options.

  • Impact: Substance use treatment facilities are essential for addressing substance use disorders and helping individuals achieve long-term recovery. SAMHSA data gives us insight into where treatment facilities might be in need.

  • Geographic Availability: available for all geographies.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: Yes, data from this source will automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

Updates Week of February 3, 2025

US Department of Education
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Update Details: 2021-2022 school year update includes Student Enrollment disaggregated by Sex, Race/Ethnicity, Section 504 status, and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) classification, Student SAT/ACT Participation by Sex and Race/Ethnicity, and Gifted and Talented Students by Sex and Race/Ethnicity. It also provides data on Teachers (Certified/Uncertified), Counselors, and Sworn Law Enforcement Officers. Additionally, it captures reports of Students Experiencing Bullying or Harassment, categorized by Race, Color, or National Origin; Sex; and Disability, with each category further broken down by Sex and Race/Ethnicity.

  • Impact: CRDC data can be used to identify enrollment disparities, and college readiness, and promote a diverse/supportive workforce, and a safe/inclusive school environment.

  • Geographic Availability: available for every geography except for neighborhoods, tracts, and blockgroups.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS). Monthly.

  • Update Details: December 2024 monthly data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Impact: Use the monthly BLS unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force data to understand your community's economy and make informed decisions about workforce development, policy advocacy, community planning, workforce training programs, infrastructure development, and local business support.

  • Geographic Availability: available for nation, state, county, most metropolitan and micropolitan areas, and select place.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

US Department of Labor(DOL)
Women's Bureau National Database of Childcare Prices (WB NDCP)

  • Update Details: 2008-2022 and 2024 date for childcare prices by age and provider type are now available.

  • Impact: NDCP data detail the costs of childcare services across different age groups and provider types. Affordable childcare is a critical need for families across the country. This data can help you better understand childcare costs in your area, identify where support is most needed, and improve access to affordable care.

  • Geographic Availability: available for only state and county geographies.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary

Updates Week of January 20, 2025

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Biennial.

  • Update Details: Social Vulnerability Index indicators have been expanded to include Zip Code (ZCTA) geographies. Note: this data appears to have been removed from the CDC website.

  • Impact:

    • Allocate emergency preparedness funding by community need.

    • Estimate the type and amount of needed supplies such as food, water, medicine, and bedding.

    • Decide how many emergency personnel are required to assist people.

    • Identify areas in need of emergency shelters.

    • Create a plan to evacuate people, accounting for those who have special needs, such as those without vehicles, the elderly, or people who do not speak English well.

    • Identify communities that will need continued support to recover following an emergency or natural disaster.

  • Geographic Availability: Social Vulnerability Indicators are available for Tract, County, and ZCTA, geographies.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

Updates Week of January 20, 2025

University of South Carolina. Hazards Vulnerability & Resilience Institute (HVRI). Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards Index (SoVI). Annual.

  • Update Details: 2023 annual data update for Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards Index (SoVI). This Index is now calculated by mySidewalk staff on an annual basis.

  • Impact: Use the Index in your Disaster Impact Assessments, Disaster Recovery Action Plans, County/State/Place Hazard Mitigation Plans, and academic research. The Index can also be used as a general Index of Social Vulnerability.

  • Geographic Availability: available for Tract, County, State, ZCTA, Unified School District, State Senate District, State House District, Place, MPO, County Subdivision, Congressional District, and CBSA geographies

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

Updates Week of January 13, 2025

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW). Annual.

  • Update Details: 2023 annual data update for average annual wages, employment, establishments, location quotient (wages & employment), and by industry.

  • Impact: Use the annual BLS data to better understand your community's economy, identify growth industries, assess wage disparities, and monitor economic health.

  • Geographic Availability: available for nation, state, county, some metropolitan and micropolitan areas.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

Updates Week of January 6, 2025

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS). Monthly.

  • Update Details: November 2024 monthly data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Impact: Use the monthly BLS unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force data to understand your community's economy and make informed decisions about workforce development, policy advocacy, community planning, workforce training programs, infrastructure development, and local business support.

  • Geographic Availability: available for nation, state, county, most metropolitan and micropolitan areas, and select place.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Broadband. Semi-Annual.

  • Update Details: First update since 2022! 2024 data for number of internet providers, broadband technology types, and maximum/average upload and download speeds are now available.

  • Impact: Use the Broadband data to understand how the provision of internet technology impacts access to employment and educational opportunities. Digital equity is a salient issue for most communities, and this data plays a critical role in telling powerful stories in that space.

  • Geographic Availability: available for all geographies.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: Yes, data from this source will automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)

  • Update Details: 2024 data on the number of people who are homeless along with demographic breakdowns by age, gender, ethnicity, and race.

  • Impact: Homelessness is a issue that affects millions of people across the country, but it's hard to get an accurate picture of just how many people are affected by it. Use the HUD AHAR data to better understand how many people are homeless in our community, and further explore the trends and the needs of the different groups impacted by homelessness.

  • Geographic Availability: Nation, State, CBSA (select), and County (select) geographies.

  • Data Recalculation to Custom Boundary: No, data from this source will not automatically recalculate for your custom boundary.

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