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2022 Data Library Releases: Updates & New Data
2022 Data Library Releases: Updates & New Data

Release notes detailing the 2022 data updates and expansions of the mySidewalk Data Library.

Sarah Byrd avatar
Written by Sarah Byrd
Updated over a week ago

December 30, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • November 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)

🌐 Summary

Adding a new data source with data on point-in-time homelessness. Homeless population by age, gender, race/ethnicity, homeless veterans, and chronically homeless population are included. Available for the years 2015-2022

  • Homeless Population

  • Homeless Population - Under 18

  • Homeless Population - Age 18 to 24

  • Homeless Population - Over 24

  • Homeless Population - Female

  • Homeless Population - Male

  • Homeless Population - Transgender

  • Homeless Population - Gender Non-Binary (2022)

  • Homeless Population - Gender Questioning (2022)

  • Homeless Population - Gender Non-Conforming (2021-2017)

  • Homeless Population - Non-Hispanic or Latino

  • Homeless Population - Hispanic or Latino

  • Homeless Population - White

  • Homeless Population - Black or African American

  • Homeless Population - Asian

  • Homeless Population - American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Homeless Population - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Homeless Population - Multiple Races

  • Homeless Population - Sheltered

  • Homeless Population - Unsheltered

  • Homeless Population - Individuals

  • Homeless Population - People In Families

  • Homeless Population - Family Households

  • Chronically Homeless Population

  • Chronically Homeless - Individuals

  • Chronically Homeless - People in Families

  • Homeless Veteran

  • Homeless Veteran - Female

  • Homeless Veteran - Male

  • Homeless Veteran - Transgender

  • Homeless Veteran - Gender Non-Binary (2022)

  • Homeless Veteran - Gender Questioning (2022)

  • Homeless Veteran - Gender Non-Conforming (2021-2017)

  • Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Under Age 18

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

December 20, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2017-2021

🌐 Summary

  • The American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimate data values in mySidewalk updated to the new values from the ACS 2017-2021

    • These values replaced ones that previously were from the ACS 2016-2020

  • Visualizations automatically updated with the new data values

    • Source note at the bottom of visualizations automatically updated to "US Census Bureau ACS 5-year 2017-2021"

  • mySidewalk customers don't need to do anything! We automatically updated the values for you.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Department of Commerce

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

🌐 Summary

Real gross domestic product (GDP) data for 2021 was added. Data now available yearly 2007-2021. Data for historical years are replaced by the most-recently reported data from the BEA.

  • Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP; 2021 data added, previous years replaced)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER)


🌐 Summary

Added 2021 data for the following indicators:

  • Prenatal Care Started in First Trimester Birth Rate

  • Preterm Birth Rate

  • Used Tobacco During Pregnancy Birth Rate

  • Low Birth Weight Birth Rate

  • Breastfed Infants Birth Rate

Updated birth rate by race with 2019-2021 (3-year rate):

  • Prenatal Care Started in First Trimester Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Preterm Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Used Tobacco During Pregnancy Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Low Birth Weight Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Birth Rate for Breastfed Infants by Race / Ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

December 2, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • October 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

December 1, 2022

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
​Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS)

🌐 Summary

This update synchronizes the update schedule of two separate CHAS updates (Housing Problems, and Affordability/Cost Burden). All 133 HUD CHAS indicators are now updated to the 2015-2019 Time Element.

  • Presence of Severe Housing Problems by Tenure

  • Presence of Severe Housing Problems by Tenure and HAMFI

  • Relative Cost Burden by Tenure and Race/Ethnicity

  • Relative HAMFI (HUD Area Median Family Income) by Tenure

  • HAMFI by Tenure and Household Type

    • Elderly Family

    • Small Family

    • Large Family

    • Elderly Non-Family

    • Non-Elderly Non-Family

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, county subdivision, place, upper district, lower district, congressional district, metro/micropolitan area, MPO, zip code, school district, and tract geographies.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
​Population Level Analysis and Community Estimates (PLACES)

🌐 Summary

Updated with the 2020 data.

  • Arthritis Among Adults

  • Binge Drinking Among Adults

  • Cancer (except skin) Among Adults

  • Chronic Kidney Disease Among Adults

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Among Adults

  • Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Adults

  • Core Preventive Services for Men 65 and Over

  • Core Preventive Services for Women 65 and Over

  • Dental Visit Among Adults

  • Mammography Among Women 50 to 74

  • Pap (Papanicolaou) Smear Test Among Women 21 to 65

  • Stroke Among Adults

  • Teeth Loss Among Adults Age 65 and Over

  • Asthma Among Adults

  • Doctor Checkup in Past Year Among Adults

  • Diagnosed Diabetes Among Adults

  • Coronary Heart Disease Among Adults

  • Poor Mental Health Among Adults

  • No Leisure-Time Physical Activity Among Adults

  • Obesity Among Adults

  • Poor Physical Health Among Adults

  • Regular Smoking Among Adults

  • Less Than 7 Hours Sleep Among Adults

  • Diagnosed Depression Among Adults

  • Fair or Poor General Health Among Adults

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

November 17, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

🌐 Summary

Adding a new indicator, Teen Birth Rate, which is expressed as births per 1,000 females aged 15–19. The data is available for the years 2003-2020.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

November 10, 2022

US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

🌐 Summary

Updated with the new 2022 data, expanding the β€œpooled” years included in the available data from 2010 - 2021 to 2010 - June 2022.

  • Total Patents

  • Patent Types

    • Electricity Patents

    • Physics Patents

    • Mechanical Engineering Patents

    • Fixed Construction Patents

    • Textiles / Paper Patents

    • Chemistry / Metallurgy Patents

    • Perform Operations / Transport Patents

    • Human Necessity Patents

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

November 3, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ASTDR)

Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)

🌐 Summary

Updated the following indicators to 2020 data:

  • Daytime Population

  • Social Vulnerability Index Across the US

  • Social Vulnerability Index Highly Vulnerable Factors Across the US

  • Social Vulnerability Themes Across the US

    • Socioeconomic Status

    • Household Characteristics

    • Racial and Ethnic Minority Status

    • Housing Type and Transportation

  • Social Vulnerability Index Within the State

  • Social Vulnerability Index Highly Vulnerable Factors Within the State

  • Social Vulnerability Themes Within the State

    • Socioeconomic Status

    • Household Characteristics

    • Racial and Ethnic Minority Status

    • Housing Type and Transportation

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Daytime Population not available for nations, city councils, neighborhoods, and census block groups geographies.

  • All other indicators are available for only county and census tract geographies.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • September 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

October 27, 2022

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (EJSCREEN)

🌐 Summary

  • Updated to 2021 values. Added 2 new indicators on Underground Storage Tanks.

Environmental Justice Indexes:

  • Air Toxics Cancer Risk Environmental Justice Index

  • Diesel Particulate Matter Environmental Justice Index

  • Lead Paint Environmental Justice Index

  • Ozone Environmental Justice Index

  • Particulate Matter Environmental Justice Index

  • Proximity to Major Direct Water Dischargers Environmental Justice Index

  • Proximity to National Priorities List Sites Environmental Justice Index

  • Proximity to Risk Management Plan Sites Environmental Justice Index

  • Proximity to Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities Environmental Justice Index

  • Respiratory Hazard Environmental Justice Index

  • Traffic Proximity and Volume Environmental Justice Index

  • Underground Storage Tanks Environmental Justice Index

Selected Environmental Indicators:

  • Diesel Particulate Matter Level in Air

  • Proximity to Major Direct Water Dischargers

  • Proximity to National Priorities List Sites

  • Proximity to Risk Management Plan Sites

  • Proximity to Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities

  • Traffic Proximity and Volume

  • Underground Storage Tanks

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
​Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program
​Crime in the United States (CIUS)

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

🌐 Summary

Updated with 2021 data.

Note: In 2021, FBI's UCR Program transitioned to a National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) only data collection. However, participation for 2021 remained below a statistically acceptable level. To adjust for this, the UCR Program published a limited release of the traditional CIUS, 2021. This means there is limited data availability compared to previous years. Keep this in consideration when observing yearly trends in crime.

  • Total UCR Part I Crimes


  • Robbery

  • Aggravated Assault

  • Burglary

  • Larceny

  • Vehicle Theft

  • Arson

  • Rape

  • Violent Crime

  • Property Crime

    All of the above also as rate per 100,000 people

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

October 20, 2022

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Statistics on Income (SOI)

🌐 Summary

New data source. Data has been added for 9 new Characteristic Types, for the years 2011-2019.

New Indicators:

  • Number of Tax Returns

  • Number of Tax Returns by Adjusted Gross Income

    • $1 to $24,999

    • $25,000 to $49,999

    • $50,000 to $74,999

    • $75,000 to $99,999

    • $100,000 to $199,999

    • $200,000 or more

  • Number of Returns with Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Amount

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for only zip codes, counties, states, CBSAs (i.e. Metro- and Micropolitan Areas), Congressional Districts, and the nation.

October 6, 2022

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Mapping Medicare Disparities by Population

🌐 Summary

New data source. Data on preventable hospital stays per 100,000 Medicare enrollees with annual data 2012-2020.

  • Medicare Preventable Hospital Stays

    • by sex (Male, Female)

    • by race / ethnicity (White, Black, Other Race, Asian / Pacific Islander, Hispanic, American Indian / Alaska Native)

    • by both sex and race / ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

September 29, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • August 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

September 22, 2022

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Broadband

🌐 Summary

Updated the following indicators to 2021 data:

  • Internet - Maximum Advertised Upload Speed

  • Internet - Maximum Advertised Download Speed

  • Internet - Average Advertised Upload Speed

  • Internet - Average Advertised Download Speed

  • Number of Internet Providers

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - DSL

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - Cable

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - Fiber

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - Satellite

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - Wireless

  • Number of Internet Providers by Technology - Other

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

September 20, 2022

US Department of Education

🌐 Summary

New data source with 10 years of education data:

  • High School Graduation Rate

    • By Race / Ethnicity

    • Disabled

    • Economically Disadvantaged

    • Foster Care

    • Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

    • Homeless

  • Homeless Students

    • By Shelter Type

    • Disabled

    • Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

    • Migrant (agriculture workers)

    • Unaccompanied

  • Students Proficient in Math and Reading

    • By Race / Ethnicity

    • By Sex

    • By Grade

    • Disabled

    • Economically Disadvantaged

    • Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

    • Homeless

    • Migrant

    • Foster Care

    • Military Connected

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for all levels of geography. Homeless Students only available for School District, State, Nation.

  • Apportionable to custom boundary: Yes (except for Homeless Students)

September 15, 2022

Transportation Noise

🌐 Summary

New data source on noise caused by vehicles, railroads, aviation, and emergency vehicles. Indicators include indexes on a 0-3 scale, with 0 being little/no noise impact to 3 being high amount of noise and impact from that source.

  • Road Noise Level Index

  • Railroad Noise Level Index

  • Railroad Crossing Noise Level Index

  • Emergency Vehicle Noise Level Index

  • Aviation Noise Level Index

  • Average Road Noise

  • Average Aviation Noise

  • Peak Railroad Noise

  • Peak Railroad Crossing Noise

  • Peak Emergency Vehicle Noise

  • Average Distance to Railroad Crossing

  • Average Distance to Emergency Station

Articles on noise public health impact

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC)
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)

🌐 Summary

  • New data has been added for the 2021 calendar year

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest year of data

  • The following dimensions are affected:

    • Mortgage Application Outcomes

    • Mortgage Application Outcomes by Race

    • Mortgage Application Outcomes by Ethnicity

    • Mortgage Application Reasons for Denial by Race

    • Mortgage Application Reasons for Denial by Ethnicity

    • Mortgage Application Reasons for Denial

    • Mortgages

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, US congressional district, county, metro and micropolitan area, metropolitan planning organization, state house district, state senate district, unified school district, county subdivision, place, city council district, ZIP code, neighborhood and census tract geographies.

September 1, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • July 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

August 25, 2022

AIDSVu Emory University Rollins School of Public Health

🌐 Summary

Updated 2020 and 2021 data for the following indicators:

  • HIV PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) Rate

  • HIV PrEP-to-Need Ratio (PNR)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

August 17, 2022

Small Business Administration (SBA)
Small Business Loans (SBL)

🌐 Summary

  • Updated with one additional year’s worth of data.

  • The small business loans data are now available yearly 2012-2022.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

August 11, 2022

US Census Bureau

Decennial Census 1990, 2000, 2010

American Community Survey (ACS) 2007-2011, 2016-2020

mySidewalk Census Projections

🌐 Summary

We expanded the mySidewalk offerings of Census data over time by 25 indicators. This work involves building data from three Decennial Census (1990, 2000, 2010), imputation of missing data values using known block group and tract data, harmonization to Decennial Census 2020 block groups, projection of data values into the future, and apportionment to other levels of geography.

  • Population 65 and over (Seniors)

  • Generations (Silent, Baby Boomer, X)

  • Minority Population

  • Population 25 and Over with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher Attainment

  • Median Home Rent

  • People In Labor Force - Language Spoken at Home (English Only, Spanish)

  • Ability to Speak English (English Only and Very Well, English Less than Very Well)

  • Commute Type to Work (Drive Alone, Carpool, Public Transit, Walk, Bicycle, Taxi, Motorcycle, Other, Work from Home)

  • Workers 16 and Over

  • Long Commute (30 minutes or more, 45 minutes or more, Hour or More)

Articles with additional information:

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

August 4, 2022

Eviction Lab at Princeton University

🌐 Summary

The newest version of the Eviction Lab database includes an extensive update to the existing data, as well as new years 2017 and 2018. This means that many values have changed for 2000-2016 data and data now is available for more geographies than were previously.

  • Updated data for the following indicators:

    • Evictions

    • Eviction Rate

    • Eviction Filings

    • Eviction Filings Rate

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • June 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

July 28, 2022

US Department of Education
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

🌐 Summary

Added new indicators:

  • Students Bullied on Basis of Race, Color or National Origin

    • By Sex

    • By Race / Ethnicity

  • Students Bullied on Basis of Sex

    • By Sex

    • By Race / Ethnicity

  • Students Bullied on Basis of Disability

    • By Sex

    • By Race / Ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for all geographies except for neighborhoods, census tracts, and block groups. 2013-2014 school year available for all geographies.

  • Apportionable to custom boundary: No, except for 2013-2014 school year.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)

🌐 Summary

Added a new indicator:

  • Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Low- and Moderate-Income Summary Data (LMISD)

🌐 Summary

New 2021 data for the following indicators. Data describes the number of low, low-moderate, and low-moderate-medium income persons in a given area. The percentage of low-moderate income persons in an area is also provided. Stay tuned for a forthcoming blog describing how you can best leverage this data for CDBG grants.

  • Low Income Population

  • Low and Moderate Income Population

  • Low, Moderate, and Medium Income Population

  • Qualified Low and Moderate Income Population

  • Percent Low and Moderate Income Population

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

July 14, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)
AtlasPlus STD tables

🌐 Summary

Updated 2020 data for the following indicators:

  • Chlamydia Rate

  • Gonorrhea Rate

  • Congenital Syphilis Rate

  • Early Non-Primary Non-Secondary Syphilis Rate (Early Latent)

  • Primary and Secondary Syphilis Rate

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

🌐 Summary

Average Annual Wages data for 2021 was added. Data is now available for the years 2012-2021 for the following indicators:

  • Average Annual Wages

  • Average Annual Wages by Industry

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

🌐 Summary

Adding new year (2022) for the 71 existing indicators.

  • Income Limits at 30%, 50%, 60%, or 80% HUD Area Median Family Income (HAMFI) for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 Person Household

  • Rent Affordable at 30%, 50%, 60%, or 80% HAMFI for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 Person Household

  • Fair Market Rent for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 Bedrooms

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

July 7, 2022

US Census Bureau

Decennial Census 1990, 2000, 2010 and ACS 2016-2020

mySidewalk Census Projections

🌐 Summary

This update involved an overhaul of the pipeline to input missing value, harmonize historical data to modern shapes, and create projections for future years.

  • 114 indicators were updated with projections for 2022, 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030

Articles with additional information:

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER)

Natality for 2016-2020, expanded

🌐 Summary

New indicators added:

  • Breastfed Infants Birth Rate (2016-2020)

  • Breastfed Infants Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity (2018-2020 3-year rate)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for County, State, and Nation geographies. Data not available for the states of California and Michigan.

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA)

🌐 Summary

Updated 2020 data for the following indicators:

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Dental Health Score

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Dental Health

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Mental Health Score

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Mental Health

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Primary Care Score

  • Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) - Primary Care

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

June 30, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • May 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

June 23, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

  • Added 670 indicators based on customer requests and guidance from mySidewalk subject matter experts and industry strategists

  • Data includes

  • Families by Number of Workers

    • by Family Type

  • Single Householder Families

    • by Presence of Children

    • by Children Age

  • Families Below Poverty Level

    • by Family Type

    • by Presence of Children

    • by Children Age

  • Access to a Computer and Internet Subscription

    • by Enrollment Status

    • by Grade

  • Children, Adults, and Seniors

    • by Disability Status

    • by Disability Status and Insurance Coverage

    • by Disability Status and Private vs Public Health Insurance

  • People with Earnings

    • by Sex

    • by Disability Status

  • Workers 16 and Over

    • by Poverty Status and Commute Type

    • by Age and Commute Type

    • by Race / Ethnicity and Commute Type

    • by Citizenship Status and Commute Type

    • by Earnings and Commute Type

    • by Class of Worker and Commute Type

    • by Origin and Commute Type

    • by Commute Length in minutes

    • by Occupation and Commute Type

    • by Industry and Commute Type

  • Median Age by Commute Type

  • Long Commute

    • 30 minutes or more and by Commute Type

    • 45 minutes or more and by Commute Type

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Census Bureau
County Business Patterns (CBP)
ZIP Code Business Patterns (ZBP)

🌐 Summary

  • New data existing year and levels of geography

    • Number of childcare centers

    • Number of social association groups

    • Number of Establishments by Industry

    • Annual Payroll by Industry

  • There are 19 Industry types which were built using the economic sectors first 2 digit of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for 7 levels of geography of nation, state, US congressional district, metro and micropolitan area, county, ZIP Code, and Census tracts.

June 9, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

  • Added 951 indicators based on customer requests and guidance from mySidewalk subject matter experts and industry strategists

  • Data includes

    • Educational Attainment

      • by Race / Ethnicity

      • by Race / Ethnicity and by Sex

    • People Below Poverty Level

      • by Age and by Sex

      • by Race / Ethnicity and by Age and by Sex

    • Children, Adults, and Seniors Below Poverty Level

      • by Sex

      • by Race / Ethnicity

      • by Race / Ethnicity and by Sex

    • Income to Poverty Ratio

      • by Age

      • by Children, Adults, and Seniors

    • Disability Status

      • by Sex

      • by Age Group

      • by Sex and by Age Group

      • by Race / Ethnicity

    • Children, Adult, and Senior Disability Status

      • by Sex

      • by Race / Ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for all 13/16 levels of geography.

    • Not available for neighborhoods, city council districts, and Census block groups.

June 2, 2022

US Census Bureau
ZIP Code Business Patterns (ZBP)

🌐 Summary

  • Congressional districts, ZIP Codes, and Census tracts updated with 2020 data for the following indicators:

    • Annual Payroll

    • Total Employed

    • Number of Businesses

    • Businesses by Number of Employees

    • Businesses with Less than 50 Employees

  • Nation, state, metro and micropolitan areas, and counties were updated previously.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for 7 levels of geography of nation, state, US congressional district, metro and micropolitan area, county, ZIP Code, and Census tracts.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • April 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

May 26, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

  • Added 428 indicators based on customer requests and guidance from mySidewalk subject matter experts and industry strategists

  • Data includes

    • Household Income by Householder Age

    • Household Income by Race / Ethnicity

    • Householder Age by Race / Ethnicity

    • Household Income by Household Age and by Race / Ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for all 13/16 levels of geography.

    • Not available for neighborhoods, city council districts, and Census block groups.

US Census Bureau
County Business Patterns (CBP)

🌐 Summary

  • Updated nation, state, metro and micropolitan areas, and counties with 2020 data.

  • Data includes

    • Annual Payroll

    • Total Employed

    • Number of Businesses

    • Businesses by Number of Employees

    • Businesses with Less than 50 Employees

  • When the ZIP Code Business Patterns (CBP) are released later this year, US congressional districts, ZIP Codes, and Census tracts with be updated with 2020 data.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Available for 7 levels of geography of nation, state, US congressional district, metro and micropolitan area, county, ZIP Code, and Census tracts.

    • 2020 data only for nation, state, metro and micropolitan areas, and counties

May 19, 2022

US Census Bureau
Decennial Census 2020 Redistricting Data and Decennial Census 2010

🌐 Summary

Added difference and percent change between DC 2010 and DC 2020 for the following:

  • Total population

  • Total housing units

  • Race

    • American Indian

    • Asian

    • Black

    • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

    • Hispanic or Latino

    • White

    • Other

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

  • Added 64 indicators based on customer requests and guidance from mySidewalk subject matter experts and industry strategists

  • Data includes

    • Housing Unit Market Vacancy (for Rent and For Sale)

    • Homeownership & Renter Rates by Race / Ethnicity

    • Building Age by Median Rent

    • Share of Aggregate Household Income by Quintile

    • Mean Household Income of Quintiles

    • Household Income Quintile Upper Limits

    • Native Born or Foreign Born by Race / Ethnicity

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

May 5, 2022

GoDaddy Venture Forward
Microbusiness Activity Index

🌐 Summary

GoDaddy Venture Forward has partnered with the UCLA Anderson School of Management to produce a unique index (and sub-indices) which measures the activity of microbusinesses as measured by GoDaddy business domain registrations. Additionally, data relating to the density of microbusinesses, and the count of microbusinesses in a given area are reported. Data is reported at the month time resolution, and will be updated quarterly. Data is currently available for counties and metropolitan areas, but more geographies are expected soon.

  • Microbusiness Activity Index (April 2020 - December 2021)

    • GoDaddy Infrastructure Index

    • GoDaddy Engagement Index

    • GoDaddy Participation Index

  • Microbusiness Density (August 2019 - December 2021)

  • Active Microbusinesses (August 2019 - December 2021)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

🌐 Summary

Updated with the new 2021 data, expanding the β€œpooled” years included in the available data from 2010 - 2020 to 2010 - 2021.

  • Total Patents

  • Patent Types

    • Electricity Patents

    • Physics Patents

    • Mechanical Engineering Patents

    • Fixed Construction Patents

    • Textiles / Paper Patents

    • Chemistry / Metallurgy Patents

    • Perform Operations / Transport Patents

    • Human Necessity Patents

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

April 28, 2022

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)

🌐 Summary

Added 2020 for the following indicators:

  • Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities

  • Motor Vehicle Crash Non-Occupant Fatalities

    • Pedestrians

    • Cyclists

  • Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents by Selected Factors

    • Drunk Driver

    • Drowsy Driver

    • Distracted Driver

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • March 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

April 21, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

Updated with 2021 data. Data now annually available 2007 to 2021.


  • Average Annual Employment

  • Average Annual Unemployment

  • Average Annual Unemployment Rate

  • Average Annual Labor Force

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • Data is available at the nation, state, county, CBSA, and place level. There is low availability for place-level data.

Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC)
National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD)

🌐 Summary

Added 2021 data for the following indicators:

Total Federally Assisted Rental Homes

  • with Subsidies Expiring in the Next 5 Years

  • at Risk of Loss

  • at Risk of Loss (Cumulative)

  • with Affordability Restrictions Expiring in Next Five Years by Funding Stream

  • by Program

  • by Ownership Type

  • Public Housing by REAC Scores

  • Section 8 by REAC Scores

Total Federally Assisted Rental Properties

  • with Subsidies Expiring in the Next 5 Years

  • at Risk of Loss

  • at Risk of Loss (Cumulative)

  • by Program

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

April 15, 2022

US Census Bureau

🌐 Summary

New data available:

  • Land Area in acres

  • Land Area in square miles

Total Area (acre and square mile) was updated with direct Census values and matching new 2020 geographies and boundaries.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

April 8, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • February 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

April 5, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas, County, County Subdivision, Place, and Unified School District geographies are now updated to match the boundaries used to calculate the current 5-year ACS 2016-2020 estimates. Boundary waters (Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean) were removed.


  • 1 Micropolitan Area

  • 2 Counties

  • 35 County Subdivisions

  • 2,343 Places

  • 6 Unified School Districts


  • 1 County

  • 85 County Subdivisions

  • 43 Places

  • 15 Unified School Districts

March 24, 2022

US Census Bureau
American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates 2016-2020

🌐 Summary

  • All values from the ACS in the mySidewalk data library updated to the new ACS 2016-2020 values

    • These values replaced ones that previously were from the ACS 2015-2019

  • Visualizations automatically updated with the new data values

    • Source note at the bottom of visualizations automatically updated to "US Census Bureau ACS 5-year 2016-2020"

  • mySidewalk customers don't need to do anything! We automatically updated the values for you.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

March 18, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • January 2022 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

March 11, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

🌐 Summary

Drug Overdose Death Rate is now available for 2019 and 2020.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

March 3, 2022

HUD CHAS (Expansion)
HUD HOME (New Data Source)

🌐 Summary

Expanding HUD CHAS to include 24 new indicators for 2014 - 2018. These deal with the presence of severe housing problems by HUD Area Median Family Income (HAMFI; aka AMI).

Adding 71 new columns for 6 new years (2016 - 2021) for HUD HOME data. This data includes Fair Market Rents by number of bedrooms. It also includes income limits for HUD Housing Programs by number of bedrooms and HAMFI. Finally, we have included the imputed "affordable rent" (i.e. the income limits * .3 / 12) for the aforementioned income limits, to align data with program reporting.

Indicator List:


  • Income Limits at 30%, 50%, 60%, or 80% HAMFI for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 Person Household

  • Rent Affordable at 30%, 50%, 60%, or 80% HAMFI for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 Person Household

  • Fair Market Rent for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 Bedrooms


  • Owner Occupied Housing with

    • none of the 4 severe housing problems

      • Less than 30%, 30-50%, 50-80%, or 80-100% HAMFI

    • with 1 or more of the 4 severe housing problems

      • Less than 30%, 30-50%, 50-80%, or 80-100% HAMFI

  • Renter Occupied Housing with

    • none of the 4 severe housing problems

      • Less than 30%, 30-50%, 50-80%, or 80-100% HAMFI

    • with 1 or more of the 4 severe housing problems

      • Less than 30%, 30-50%, 50-80%, or 80-100% HAMFI

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • HUD CHAS data are available for county, county subdivision, metro and micropolitan areas, lower district, upper district, mpo, nation, place, state, and tract.

  • HUD HOME data are available for counties and county subdivisions.

March 1, 2022

County Tax Assessor
ATTOM Data Solutions

🌐 Summary

New property data source. Data consists of 777 indicators for 2021 and are available for all mySidewalk geographies and apportionable to your custom boundary.

  • Residential Property..

    • Value (median, average)

    • Loan to Value (median, average)

    • Available Equity (median, average)

    • Lendable Equity (median, average)

  • Residential Loan (First, Second, Third)...

    • Amount (median, average)

    • Interest Rate (median, average)

    • Type (Purchase, Refinance, Equity, Unknown)

    • Interest Rate Type (Adjustable, Fixed, Unknown)

    • Mortgage Type (Line Credit, FHA, Conventional, Conventional PMI, Veterans Admin)

  • Properties Type (Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Public Works, Residential, Vacant, Unknown)

  • Property in a Trust

  • Assessor Property Value (average, median, by property type)

  • Assessor Land Value (average, median, by property type)

  • Property Improvements Value (average, median, by property type)

  • Property Market Value (average, median, by property type)

  • Market Land Value (average, median, by property type)

  • Market Value Property Improvements (average, median, by property type)

  • Property Tax (average, median, by property type)

  • Lot Size (average, median, by property type)

  • First or Second Floor Size (average, median, by property type)

  • Building size (average, median, by property type)

  • Property Sale Amount Recent Owner Transfer (average, median, by property type)

  • Properties with…

    • Attic

    • Basement

    • Garage

    • Air Conditioning

    • Heating

    • Elevator (and by number of stories)

    • Fireplace

  • Properties by Number of…

    • Bathrooms

    • Bedrooms

    • Rooms

    • Stories

  • Properties by Type of…

    • Foundation

    • Roof Material

  • Property by Built…

    • Median

    • Century

    • Decade

    • Year (1990-2021)

    • Before or After 2000 International Building Code (IBC)

    • Before 1978 (Lead paint potential)

  • Median Year Major Building Improvements Permitted

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

February 17, 2022

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

🌐 Summary

  • December 2021 data for unemployment rate, employment, unemployment, and labor force are now available.

  • Visualizations automatically updated with this newest month of data

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

  • This dataset is available at the nation, state, county, metro and micropolitan area, and select place geographies.

February 17, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project (USALEEP)

🌐 Summary

Life Expectancy at Birth is now available for the states of Maine and Wisconsin (previously was not available).

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

February 17, 2022

US Census Bureau
Decennial Census 2020 Redistricting Data

🌐 Summary

43 indicators from the redistricting data release of the Decennial Census 2020 data now available for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), ZIP Codes, Neighborhoods, and City Council Districts geographies. This data is now available for all mySidewalk geographies and is apportionable to your custom boundary.

  • Total Population

  • Total Housing Units

  • Total Occupied Housing Units

  • Vacant Housing Units

  • Population Over Age 18 & Population Under Age 18 (Children)

  • Population Not Hispanic or Latino

  • Minority population

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • 18 and Over (Adult) by Race, by Ethnicity

  • Population in Households & Population in Group Quarters

  • Population in Institutionalized Group Quarters

    • Other

    • Military Quarters

    • College/University Student Housing

  • Population in Noninstitutionalized Group Quarters

    • Other

    • Nursing Facilities

    • Juvenile Facilities

    • Adult Correctional Facilities

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

January 20, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER)

Underlying Cause of Death

🌐 Summary
Added 2020 for the following indicators:

  • Accidents / Unintentional Injuries Death Rate

  • Alzheimer's Disease Death Rate

  • Birth Defects Death Rate

  • Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) Death Rate

  • Chronic Liver Disease / Cirrhosis Death Rate

  • Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (CLRD) Death Rate

  • Condition Originating Around Time of Birth Death Rate

  • Diabetes Death Rate

  • Heart Disease Death Rate

  • High Blood Pressure / Related Kidney Disease Death Rate

  • Homicide Death Rate

  • Influenza / Pneumonia Death Rate

  • Kidney Disease (Nephritis, Nephrosis) Death Rate

  • Neoplasms (Abnormal Growth) Death Rate

  • Nutritional Deficiencies Death Rate

  • Parkinson's Disease Death Rate

  • Pneumonitis (Lung Inflammation) Death Rate

  • Septicemia Death Rate

  • Stroke / Cerebrovascular Disease Death Rate

  • Suicide Death Rate

  • All above causes of death by Sex

Updated birth rate by race with 2018-2020 (3 year rate):

All above causes of death by:

  • Race / Ethnicity

  • Age

NEW: COVID-19 Death Rate was added for the year 2020.

  • Overall

  • By Sex

  • By Age

  • By Race/Ethnicity

    Note: COVID-19 deaths by Age and by Race/Ethnicity are listed separate from the other causes of death because of the single year rate vs. the 3 year rate.

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

January 14, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER)


🌐 Summary

Added 2020 data for the following indicators:

  • Prenatal Care Started in First Trimester Birth Rate

  • Preterm Birth Rate

  • Used Tobacco During Pregnancy Birth Rate

Updated birth rate by race with 2018-2020 (3 year rate):

  • Prenatal Care Started in First Trimester Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Preterm Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

  • Used Tobacco During Pregnancy Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity

NEW indicators:

  • Low Birth Weight Birth Rate (2009-2020)

  • Low Birth Weight Birth Rate by Race / Ethnicity (2018-2020 3 year rate)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

January 14, 2022

US Department of Commerce

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

🌐 Summary

Real gross domestic product (GDP) data for 2020 was added. Data now available yearly 2007-2020. Data for historical years are replaced by the most-recently reported data from the BEA.

  • Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP; 2020 data added, previous years replaced)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

January 11, 2022

The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)
LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES)

🌐 Summary

Added 2004 - 2012 historical data for β€œJobs by Industry” indicators. Repaired apportionment to 2020 blocks.

  • Number of Jobs

  • Number of Jobs by Industry

  • Percent Change in Number of Jobs (now for 2009-2019 time period)

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

January 6, 2022

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Population Level Analysis and Community Estimates (PLACES)

🌐 Summary

New indicators (2019 data only):

  • Diagnosed Depression Among Adults

  • Fair or Poor General Health Among Adults

πŸ“πŸ—ΊοΈ Availability

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