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Is mySidewalk ADA Accessible?

Learn what accessibility means in the mySidewalk Application and what accessibility does for your data.

Jennifer Funk avatar
Written by Jennifer Funk
Updated over a week ago

The mySidewalk team is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for everyone. All of our Shared Documents - including Reports, Dashboards, and Embeddable Assets are fully ADA compliant, meet WCAG Version 2.0 Level AA accessibility guidelines, and are built with consideration for physical and visual impairments. 

Our mission at mySidewalk is to empower the public and city leaders with the most complete, clear, and real-time understanding of their data so we can improve and innovate together. Empowering the public includes empowering the nearly one in five Americans with a disability. Just like we can't imagine a government building in 2019 not having wheelchair accessibility, we believe everyone should have equal access to the data and information we enable our clients to share publicly.

The accessibility of mySidewalk is built into the app which means that just by using our technology your team is a step ahead! You can always do more to make your dashboard accessible, but the App sets a baseline that ensures your end product will be ADA compliant. 

The mySidewalk App sets you up for success. Some ways you and your team can improve the accessibility of your dashboard include: 

  • Writing for a 6th-grade reading level. Not everyone in your community went to college or even graduated high school. Having text that is easy to read provides an opportunity for your entire community to access the ideas presented in your dashboard. 

  • Formatting for predictability, readability, and navigation. Having an intuitive formatting will help your dashboard be more accessible. Breaking up your content will make it easier to browse and skim. 

  • Using alternative text descriptions. Make sure your visual content has a robust description available to assistive technology. 

Your mySidewalk Dashboard empowers people with visual impairments, motor impairments, mental impairments, auditory impairments, and other diverse abilities. Data for the people. 

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