These examples are using a user uploaded layer that contains the count of nonprofits by Pennsylvania House District.
In this layer:
In the Variables section, the Label column includes two variables: Geography and Number of Nonprofits.
The Number of Nonprofits variable has been given the unit nonprofits.
In the Geographies section, the variable selected to be used as the label on a visualization is Geography.
Here's how these present in different visualization types.
Bar charts
The next example is using a user uploaded layer that contains asthma rates.
In this layer:
The shown variable has been given the unit Rate per 100,000 people.
In the Geographies section, the variable selected to be used as the label on a visualization is Geography.
Time series
Note: Labels, units, numeric formats, and decimals can be changed when creating the visualization itself, but the goal here is to show how the defaults are used.