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Create a Data Driven Table

Learn how to make a table using data from the mySidewalk data library or data uploaded to your account.

Written by Aliyah Hunter
Updated over 10 months ago

The table data visualization is a simple but effective way to list or compare variables. You can compare cities, variables, or both with the table data component.

To add a table, click the Table icon and choose either mySidewalk Data or Your Data.

Using the edit panel on the right, you can make edits to your table. You can change the statistic in the Data tab and can add other variables to compare by clicking Add Data.

Use the search option to find the variables you want to use in your dashboard. Click the drop down arrow and add data using the blue plus buttons that appear on the left side of the dataset.

The Show Percent Differences option, found under the Data tab, displays the differences between the variables on the table. The percent difference is calculated against the base (top) geography displayed. For example, if Iโ€™m writing a narrative about Kansas City, I might include a comparison of median household income. One way to present that is the United States is 6.22% less Kansas City's median income which is shown when the United States is listed below Kansas City. You can change the order of the geographies to get a different comparison value.

Use the pencil icon to edit, the trashcan icon to delete, and the double bar icon to rearrange the order in the edit panel.

You can change or add geographies for comparisons under the Geography tab by clicking Add Geography. Use the search option to find other geographies and simply click them to add.

You can edit, rearrange, or delete geographies the same way as data in the edit panel.

The Style tab allows you to add a title, footnote, or accessibility description. This adds to the usefulness of your table.


You can Transpose the table so you see your geographies across the top instead of down the side (flip rows and columns). This can really be helpful when you have only a few geographies but a lot of data to view.

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