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Use mySidewalk Report Templates
Use mySidewalk Report Templates

Learn how to apply mySidewalk's pre-made "data recipes" to jump-start your analysis

Jennifer Funk avatar
Written by Jennifer Funk
Updated over a week ago

Report Templates are designed to help people answer specific questions faster. Each mySidewalk Report Template contains a combination of datasets, text, and charts that can:

  • provide insight,

  • help answer everyday community questions, and

  • cut out some of the legwork of data analysis.

The Templates we’ve created are research-based, rooted in the questions our customers face regularly, and housed in our Template Library.

Watch the video below to learn more about where to find report templates (starting at 1 minute and 4 seconds!) and how to customize them, or scroll further down.

From the top Menu, click Reports on the left of the page, then click the Template Library on the top right. Here you will be able to browse the templates the mySidewalk team has prepared. 

When you find a Template that interests you, click on it to open the Report Template page where you can start customizing the template.

All Report Templates available in the mySidewalk library are indicative of the types of reports and performance measures that our customers utilize daily. These have been researched and created by in-house experts. Each Template will give you an overview, or snapshot, of your community or project area. While these Reports Templates are an excellent way to get a jumpstart on your analysis, feel free to add, edit, or remove components as you see fit!

Editing Report Templates

A report template is a suggestion and a starting point. To get more value out of your Report Template, you may want to add more data or a comparative geography. You also might want to change the text from the explanation of why the data is useful to insights you can see in the data for your community. 

Pro Tip: Use CoWrite, mySidewalk's AI writing assistant, to summarize key takeaways from the visualizations in a report template.

Update the Geography in a Report Template

To update the geography, or add a comparison:

  1. Locate Report Settings on the right-hand side. Under the Defaults tab, click Add geography.

  2. Add up to 5 more geographies. Any geographies you have drawn or uploaded will be in the Custom Geographies column on the right-hand side. 

  3. When you’ve completed your selection, click Finish Selecting.

  4. The Report will update to reflect these changes.

    1. Note: You may now want to update the title of the report to reflect the changes you made to the geographies.

Removing Components from a Report Template

Locate the component you would like to remove from your report. 

  1. Hover your cursor over the dataset, chart, text, image, or map you would like to remove.

  2. In the right-hand corner of the component, click Delete, then Confirm Delete.

Adding Components to a Report Template

To add a new component, click the blue + button to the left-hand side and select the component you want to add to your report. Like any report or dashboard, you will then be able to add data, make edits, and click done.  

Other Edits in a Report Template

You can also rename your report or move it to a folder by going to the edit panel and clicking rename or navigating to the three dots next to the current report name and selecting move to

Did you create a custom report that you think could be a great foundation for a mySidewalk Report Template for other communities to use? Great! Let your Customer Success Manager know and we can explore adding it to our growing library. 

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